Frequently asked questions about Per Tour Market

Below find the Frequently asked questions about Per Tour Market. They are broadly grouped into those FAQs for Tour Operators, as well as, those for Writers. This list keeps increasing as new questions are asked. To ask yours, use the chat option at the bottom of this page or write an email to us.

FAQs for Tour Operators

Question 1: What is PerTourMarket?

PerTourMarket is a platform for tour operators to market their tour or safari packages and get travelers to join them at their agreed fees.

Question 2: How to Join pertourmarket as a tour operator?

To Join, simply register for free by clicking the registration link here. then be sure to select "Market my tour business" on the "Objective of joining Per Tour Market*" field.

Question 3: How to login pertourmarket as a tour operator?

If you are already registered and have your email and password, simply login by clicking the login link here. . You will be automatically redirected to the Tour Operator Portal.

Question 4: How much does it cost to join as a Tour Operator?

It is free forever, and will never be charged in the future.

FAQs for Writers

Question 1: What is PerTourMarket for Writers?

PerTourMarket is a platform for writers to pick available tasks and complete for a pay.

Question 2: How to Join pertourmarket as a tour operator?

To Join, simply register for free by clicking the registration link here. then be sure to select "Complete writing tasks" on the "Objective of joining Per Tour Market*" field.

Question 3: How to login pertourmarket as a tour operator?

If you are already registered as a writer and have your email and password, simply login by clicking the login link here. . You will be automatically redirected to the Writers Portal.

Question 4: How much is a Task paid?

PerTourMarket pays Usd. 2 per every task completed. This amount is credited to your pertourmarket account and withdrawable during the payroll sessions.

Question 5: Any other ways to make money on as a writer?

Yes, on the completed tasks, open one task and click the "extra income" link. You will be prompted to complete specific tasks for that completed task for additional recurring tasks.

Question 6: How much are Extra income tasks paid?

You will earn 10% of the income raised from any of your completed tasks. Because the income comes in thousands of dollars, be assured this is the best recurring income you would want to earn. For example, if a completed task attracts an order worth Usd. 10,000 which is a frequent occurrence, you will earn 10% of 1% of 10,000 which is equal to Usd. 10. This is paid to the writer anytime a given completed task makes an order for the partnering tour operator. This simpy means joining pertourmarket as a writer is same as getting into a fulltime career as an affiliate marketer.

Question 7: What is a payroll session?

A payroll session at pertourmarket are the specific dates during which payouts can be done or withdrawal can be done. As a rule of the thumb, tasks completed during the first half of a month are completed during the end month payroll session of the same month. operates two payroll sessions (13th to 14th) and (28th to end month) depending on the number of days in a month. When you request a withdrawal, the system will indicate the dates when you will expect the withdrawal request to be completed against the successful withdrawal request.

Question 8: What is a withdrawal threshold?

This is the minimum amount in Usd that you are allowed to withdraw from your pertourmarket. It is Usd. 50.

Question 9: How much does it cost to join as a Writer?

It is free forever, and writers will never be asked to pay anything to join in the future.

Question 10: What is an ideal payable task

An Ideal payable task is a task that can be successfully paid to a writer. This is a task that has been assigned and competed by the same writers on all the three writers parts: Content part, photo upload parts and social media sharing part. Only when these three parts are 100% or more complete can you expect to be paid.

Question 11: What does it mean when a withdrawal request is postponed to be paid at a later date?

This means that there are errors or missing parts in some tasks that form part of the total withdrawal requested. When checked, these tasks will not be 100% completed. They will have some parts that are not 100% complete. They system releases such withdrawal requests 24 hours after all incomplete tasks are fully completed. Otherwise, all withdrawal requested are completed within 24 hours after end of a payroll session if there are no incomplete parts of any task whose earnings form part of the requested withdrawal amount.