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Ultimate Zambia & Uganda Gorilla & Chimpanzee Trekking: 16-Day Adventure Priced from $7,900

main settlement of South Luangwa NP
Photo of: main settlement of South Luangwa NP

Discover South Luangwa NP
Photo of: Discover South Luangwa NP

Lower Zambezi National Park
Photo of: Lower Zambezi National Park

Amazing Livingstone Zambia
Photo of: Amazing Livingstone Zambia

easily accessible from livingstone
Photo of: easily accessible from livingstone

Exhilarating 16-Day Zambia & Uganda Gorilla & Chimpanzee Trek.

You will have the chance to explore Zambia's and Uganda's plentiful wildlife during a sixteen-day trip. Witness gorillas and chimpanzees in their native habitats, where they can be incredibly majestic and lively.The greatest gorilla and chimpanzee trekking experience in Zambia and Uganda can be found on this 16-day expedition.

Day 1: Arrival at Entebbe International Airport.

Your first day of travel will begin when you arrive at the Entebbe International Airport, located in Uganda. This airport serves as the starting point for our journey.Once you arrive at the airport, someone will be waiting for you at Entebbe International Airport. This representative will greet you and assist you with the immigration process. This will happen right after that, when you get to the airport. This is going to happen as soon as you get to the location. They will then arrange for the necessary transportation to get you to the hotel in Entebbe that you had originally booked for yourself. This will happen as soon as that is done. You should spend the rest of the day relaxing and getting ready for the amazing journey that will soon take you there. We strongly recommend that you take this action.

Day 2-3: Chimpanzee Trekking in Mfuwe.

As soon as you have finished your breakfast, you should board a local flight to Mfuwe, which is situated in Zambia, a South African nation. Zambia's capital city is Mfuwe. Upon your arrival, we will transport you directly to the Mfuwe lodge you have reserved, where you will spend the next two days. You can be sure that going on chimpanzee trekking excursions in the surrounding forests will provide you with an experience that you won't soon forget.

You can be confident that you will have a recollection that lasts the entirety of your life. On these excursions, experienced trackers will be with you, offering guidance and support throughout the trip. We must consider the prospect of witnessing these fascinating primates in their native habitat to understand their behavior and the ongoing conservation efforts.

Day 4-7: South Luangwa National Park.

Starting on the fourth day and running through the seventh, South Luangwa National Park is available for visitors.Not to mention the amazing diversity of plants and animals it contains, South Luangwa National Park is renowned for its spectacular beauty. Many people's favorite place to visit is this park. We are discussing South Luangwa National Park, a park we visited during our tour earlier today.

You will spend the next four days on walking safaris and game drives, which will allow you to fully explore the park. These are all going to happen one after another over the next four days. This will be your main means of transportation while you are inside the park. It is possible that during your travels, you will see a tremendous variety of animals. Lions, leopards, hippos, and elephants are a few examples of these creatures.Furthermore, it is possible that you will encounter a wide variety of birds. Make it a point to set aside some time during your stay at this site to enjoy the breathtaking views of the Luangwa River and the surrounding ecosystem.

Day 8-11: Lower Zambezi National Park.

Lower Zambezi National Park is open to tourists for the entire operating period, starting on day 8 and running through day 11. You should definitely not miss visiting Upper Zambezi National Park, which is located on the banks of the Zambezi River and is well worth viewing. We strongly recommend that you plan a visit there. Massive herds of carnivorous creatures, including buffalo, elephants, and other huge carnivores, live in this remote and well-preserved area. It's common knowledge that these animals are quite dangerous.

These animals use this specific location as their habitat, which implies that it is their home. The wild, native habitats are home to numerous native species that inhabit this area. In this area, there are many different kinds of natural species. We strongly recommend participating in activities such as game drives, canoe safaris, and boat cruises to truly appreciate the park's remarkable natural features. These activities allow you to make the most of the park.

Day 12-14: Livingstone and Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park.

Livingstone National Park and Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park are two of the national parks that you will get the chance to see on days 12 and 14, respectively. Tanzania is home to these two parks.In the event that you arrive in Livingstone, Zambia, you will be taken to the hotel that you have pre-arranged. This event is expected to occur in the very near future. The magnificent Victoria Falls are located in the stunning Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park, which you should definitely visit. It is strongly advised that you take this action. Going on a trip and visiting this park is highly recommended.

Experiencing the amazing brilliance and grandeur of the waterfalls firsthand through a stroll around the park is the only way to really comprehend their incredible beauty. This kind of experience cannot be obtained in any other way. You will be able to take part in a wide range of recreational activities while on vacation, including river cruises down the Zambezi River at different times of the day, helicopter tours, and bungee jumping. One of these events will be open to you to take part in.

Day 15: Free Day in Livingstone.

Livingstone residents can take a day off from their assigned jobs every month on the fifteenth.You are allowed to do anything you want if you decide that you would prefer to spend the entire day in Livingstone doing whatever it is that you want to do. If you are given the option to visit the local markets, engage in cultural activities, or just relax and utilize the amenities that your hotel offers, we highly advise you to take advantage of this opportunity. Make sure you set aside some time during your journey across Zambia and Uganda to reflect on the amazing experience you had. You should definitely make sure to do this.

Day 16: Departure.

This is the day that we will be departing—the sixteenth day of our stay.You will be driven to the airport as soon as breakfast is finished, so you may make sure you can catch the plane that will take you out of Livingstone before you ultimately leave. This will guarantee that you can leave. After you depart Zambia and Uganda, the experiences you gained from your gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventures will stay with you. These are memories that you will always cherish. When you reach your goal, it is these kinds of intimate memories that you will bring with you.

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