DS Elephant Orphanage
Photo of: DS Elephant Orphanage

Map of DS Elephant Orphanage
Photo of: Map of DS Elephant Orphanage

DS Elephant Orphanage tours and safaris

At the DS Elephant Orphanage, where the majesty of elephants comes to life in a totally immersive experience, set out on an amazing wildlife expedition. Located deep within the African wilderness, our excursions and safari packages present a unique chance to get up close and personal with these amazing animals. Awe and wonder permeate every moment, from seeing animated baby elephants to appreciating the wisdom of matriarchs guiding their herds. However, it's more than just a show; conservation and education are also important. Discover the intricate social relationships between elephant families, the difficulties they encounter in the wild, and the crucial conservation initiatives working to ensure their survival. Our informed guides share their knowledge of ecology, behavior, and the programs put in place to protect elephant habitats. The DS Elephant Orphanage offers an amazing trip into the heart of Africa's wildness, perfect for anyone who enjoys wildlife, the great outdoors, or is just looking for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Join us to discover the enchantment of these extraordinary animals in their own environment.

Introducing DS Elephant Orphanage

An intimate insight into the world of elephant conservation and rehabilitation is provided by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage. You can look forward to seeing magnificent elephants and hearing about their fascinating histories as you travel to the sanctuary.

what to expect on arrival

When guests arrive to the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage, they are welcomed by the touching scene of abandoned elephants frolicking in play with their loving caregivers. The refuge offers a safe haven where these magnificent animals receive 24-hour care and rehabilitation, acting as a light of hope for them. During their stroll around the premises, guests are extended an invitation to observe private exchanges between the elephants and their human partners, obtaining understanding of the ties established within this exceptional family group. Every interaction, from gentle feedings to amusing splashing in mud baths, is a moving reminder of the compassion and resiliency that characterize the sanctuary's purpose. Being able to stand only a few steps away from these gentle giants is an experience that many people only get once in a lifetime, and it deepens one's respect for the work that goes into their conservation and protection.

Best time to visit

The magical morning feeding sessions are by far the greatest time to visit the DS Elephant Orphanage, as this is when the elephants are most animated and engaging. Travelers from all over the world can start this amazing experience by taking flights to Nairobi, the energetic capital city of Kenya. When they get there, they'll take a beautiful drive that takes them past busy roads and lush scenery to the quiet neighborhood where the sanctuary is located. Travelers are exposed to breath-taking views of Kenya's recognizable savannahs and verdant surroundings throughout the route, which prepare them for an engaging wildlife encounter. They are ready to go out on an adventure that will touch their hearts and leave a lasting impression of Africa's natural beauty, so as they get closer to their destination, anticipation grows.

Safari packages

The cost of safari packages to the orphanage varies according to the length of stay and extras included. You should budget between $50 and $100 on average for a special occasion.

The climate at the DS Elephant Orphanage

Warm, dry weather is characteristic of the area around the DS Elephant Orphanage, offering year-round agreeable temperatures between 20°C and 30°C to visitors. Visitors are advised to pack appropriately for the weather before setting out on their trek to this amazing sanctuary. In order to stay cool under the African sun, wear lightweight clothing made of permeable fabrics. A wide-brimmed hat provides crucial protection from the sun's rays. Furthermore, a high SPF sunscreen is necessary to protect the skin from sunburn, especially during daytime trips. Because it's so dry here, travelers should always bring lots of water in reusable bottles to keep themselves hydrated and energized. Traveling with these necessities allows visitors to experience the DS Elephant Orphanage's attractions to the fullest while also being cozy and ready for their safari excursion.

Accommodation options near the DS Elephant Orphanage

Travelers can choose from a variety of lodging alternatives close to the DS Elephant Orphanage, all of which promise to make their visit enjoyable and unforgettable. A famous hotel where visitors may eat with resident giraffes in a genuinely unusual setting, Giraffe Manor is a haven for luxury seekers. On the other hand, upscale tent lodges such as the Nairobi Tented Camp provide a cozy and immersive experience in the middle of the forest, offering all the conveniences of home in the peaceful surroundings. Pet-owners need not worry about traveling with their beloved friends; certain hotels allow pets with advance notice. It's best to check directly with specific places to make sure you and your four-legged companion have a smooth and comfortable visit. Whatever your style of travel—luxurious or rustic—the lodging options close to the DS Elephant Orphanage offer a memorable escape amidst Kenya's breathtaking scenery.

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