Makgadikgadi Pans National Park
Photo of: Makgadikgadi Pans National Park

 map of Makgadikgadi Pans NP
Photo of: map of Makgadikgadi Pans NP

Makgadikgadi Pans National Park tours and safaris

Embark on a memorable experience within the vistas of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park, where huge salt pans stretch to infinity. Our itineraries and safaris are done with particular carefulness to visit the last untouched African wilderness. Being guided by experienced guides, you will observe the peculiar wildlife that has made this barren but extraordinary environment its home, from graceful zebras to the larger, more majestic elephants. Fully join the local community to partake in traditions built over many years. Then, after days filled with adventure, relax and take comfort in accommodation set under an African starlit night, conjuring stories of the adventure over a crackling campfire. Don't miss the wonder that is Makgadikgadi Pans National Park. Tour it today and find out the magic of Africa.

What to expect at Makgadikgadi Pans National Park

Located smack in the center of Botswana, Makgadikgadi Pans National Park is an amazing, never-ending expanse of otherworldly landscapes with pulsating wildlife. The breathtakingly massive salt pans that extend past the African sky will be a sight nowhere else will have you so astounded within this spellbinding wilderness. These huge salt flats, a remainder of an ancient lake that used to be in the area, seemed surreal and set stunning sights, as if challenging the very borders of imagination. The white stretches into the distance, brilliantly shining out over the expanse, as far as the eye can see, dazzling all who catch it. The shear vastness of the pans is awe-inspiring, provoking feelings of both insignificance and wonder at the grandiosity of nature. All along, life thrives in a very special way in this apparently lifeless landscape, and hardy, desert-adapted species carve their niches from the harsh conditions. It is a land of contrasts: stark beauty in the pans versus rich diversity in life that makes up this unique habitat. Standing at the edge of the pans, looking into the open expanse, one could feel the connection to the ground and its ancient rhythms. One of those moments that really stood as evidence to the relentless power and beauty of the natural world.

Best time to visit Makgadikgadi Pans National Park

The best experience in the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park is possible from April to October because it is a dry season. This is the best period that offers fair conditions to enjoy views of wildlife, mostly through congregations of animals at the remaining available water points, hence view opportunities to visitors. Such is the scarcity of water in the area that wildlife converges around these crucial lifelines in thousands, and the variety of species seen in their natural setting cannot be matched. The dry season sees a large concentration of wildlife set against the stark settings of the big salt pans, from the majestic elephants to the graceful antelopes, and the elusive predators such as lions and cheetahs. The great weather and light temperatures further the feeling of being on safari, to the point that one is comfortable to venture and have an unclothed view of the stunning landscapes. May it be that you are an experienced wildlife tracker or new to the safari experience, in the dry season of Makgadikgadi Pans National Park you will have an adventure you will come to recall with some of the most thrilling encounters and views.

Reaching Makgadikgadi Pans National Park

From around the world, travelers can access the beauty of Makgadikgadi Pans National Park fairly easily via flights into the nearby airports of Maun or Kasane, as both are well-connected into and out of major cities internationally and domestically. Travel to this remote wilderness is, therefore, quite easy. On arrival, travelers can drive through scenic views on the way to the entrance of the park, being treated to some of the best landscapes that Botswana has to offer. From dense riverine habitat to a dry savanna, the journey reveals but a taste of the wonders to be found inside the park. Whether coming from far or from neighboring countries, the drive to Makgadikgadi Pans National Park actually sets the stage for that unforgettable safari deep in the bosom of Africa.

Accommodations options

The accommodations in the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park range from luxurious lodges to cozy campsites, allowing one to enjoy a sheltered stay in the middle of breathtaking vistas. Other offers, including Jack's Camp and Camp Kalahari, define luxury even in the wild, giving unbeatable comfort and sophistication in the rough beauty of the African bush. All built to melt into the wilderness and offer its guests a chance to sample the great outdoors, luxurious comfort, and fantastic service. Everything is designed to make your safari experience even better, from the stylish tented suites to the expansive views of the larger communal areas. Dine gourmet-style under the stars or poolside, go on guided excursions with some of the country's best naturalists, or mix a little bit of adventure with your luxury in some of the many great ways to experience Tanzania. The campsites offer a more rustic experience, giving a unique chance to sleep under the huge African sky, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the wilderness. Both options provide for an unforgettable stay at the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park accommodations—an experience complimentary to the allure of the destination.

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